

An accordion is a vertical stack of interactive headings used to toggle the display of further information; each item can be 'collapsed' with just a short label visible or 'expanded' to show the full content.





Open by default

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Single open

Disabled item

Content outside


On change event

Accordion props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string Yes - The id of the live component (required by LiveView for stateful components).
testid string No - Data-testid attribute for DOM element
class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
item_size sm | md | lg | xl No "md" Size of the item, header mostly
has_content_outside boolean No false Content looks outside
value any No [] Value (List of values) items to be open
on_change event No - Handler for open/close of the item
is_single_open boolean No false Close other items if true
item slot Yes - Accordion item, see Accordion.Item
Accordion.Item props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string No - Id attribute for DOM element
testid string No - Data-testid attribute for DOM element
class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
disabled boolean No false Disabling accordion item
value string No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
is_open boolean No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
has_content_outside boolean No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
header slot Yes - Header of Accordion item, see Accordion.Header
content slot Yes - Content of Accordion item, see Accordion.Content
Accordion.Header props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string No - Id attribute for DOM element
testid string No - Data-testid attribute for DOM element
class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
icon_class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
title string No - Title of Accordion.Item
disabled boolean No - Will be got from Accordion.Item in most cases
is_open boolean No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
size sm | md | lg | xl No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
value integer No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
on_change event No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
is_content_outside boolean No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
default slot No - Content of Accordion.Header
Accordion.Content props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string No - Id attribute for DOM element
testid string No - Data-testid attribute for DOM element
class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
size sm | md | lg | xl No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
is_content_outside boolean No - Will be got from Accordion in most cases
default slot Yes - Content of Accordion.Content