
In progress

Text input fields allow users to enter text and can be used to collect user feedback or enter information in data entry forms.

These types of input fields are used on their own, or in combination with other inputs such as number entry, date picker, etc.




Informative message holder

Informative message holder with icon
Error message

Custom styles

Informative message holder


Form.Input props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string No - Id to be given to the input tag
field atom No - Name of the field, usually should be taken from context
form form No - Form info, usually should be taken from context
size sm | md | lg No "md" Common moon size property
error boolean No - Some additional styling will be set to indicate the field is invalid. Generally should be set by Form.Field or Form.InsetField component
type date | month | datetime-local | email | number | password | search | tel | text | time | url No "text" HTML5 type of the input, please don't use checkbox or radio here
placeholder string No " " Text to be set as a HTML placeholder attribute - when input is empty
class css_class No - Additional classes for the <input> tag
field_class css_class No - Additional classes for the <input> tag in case of floating label or Group
value string No - Value of the input, don't use it inside the forms
testid string No - Data-testid attribute value
disabled boolean No - HTML disabled attribute for the input & some additional classes. Generally should be set by Form.Field or Form.InsetField component
readonly boolean No - Readonly - some additional classes and behaviour. Generally should be set by Form.Field or Form.InsetField component
autocomplete string No - Autocomplete HTML attribute for the input, use "off" to disable
opts any No %{} Keyword | Map of additional attributes for the input
on_change event No - On change event for the input - don't use it inside phoenix forms
on_keyup event No - On keyup event for the input
on_focus event No - On focus event for the input
on_blur event No - On blur event for the input
Form.InsetField props
Name Type Required Default Description
id string No - Id attribute for DOM element
form form No - Form info, usually should be taken from context
field atom No - Field name, surface-style
label string No - Label for input field
hint string No - Hint for input field
hide_errors boolean No - Whether error message is shown
disabled boolean No - Sets disabled state
readonly boolean No - Sets read-only state
class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
field_class css_class No - Additional Tailwind classes
testid string No - Data-testid attribute for DOM element
default slot No - Inner content of the component