In progress
An input that behaves similarly to a dropdown, with the addition of a free text input to filter options.

<Form> <Form.Field> <Form.Combobox options={...} /> </Form.Field> </Form>
Form.Combobox props
Fully customized select component for the forms with input for filtering
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | string | No | - | Id to be given to the select tag |
options | list | Yes | - | ... format: [%{key: shown_label, value: option_value, disabled: bool}], diisabled is optional |
field | atom | No | - | Name of the field, usually should be taken from context |
form | form | No | - | Form info, usually should be taken from context |
value | any | No | - | Selected option(s) value - do not use it inside the form, just for away-from-form components |
disabled | boolean | No | - | HTML disabled attribute for the input & some additional classes |
size | sm | md | lg | No | "md" | Common moon size property |
class | css_class | No | - | Additional classes for the <select> tag |
prompt | string | No | - | Some prompt to be shown on empty value |
testid | string | No | - | Data-testid attribute value |
error | boolean | No | - | Some additional styling will be set to indicate field is invalid |
is_multiple | boolean | No | - | If field does support multiselect, `multiple` attribute for select tag in HTML terms |
is_open | boolean | No | - | Should dropdown be open |
attrs | any | No | %{} | Keyword | Map of additional attributes for the input |
on_keyup | event | No | - | On key up event for the input - use it for filter options outside the form |
filter | string | No | - | Filtering value for the options |
on_focus | event | No | - | - |
on_blur | event | No | - | - |
default | slot | No | - | Option for custom stylings - use it to show icons or anything else |
trigger | slot | No | - | Trigger element for the dropdown, default is Dropdown.Select |
option | slot | No | - | Slot used for rendering single option. option[:key] will be used if not given |
Dropdown.Input props
Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders as a HTML input inside div with some addons
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | string | No | - | Id attribute for html tag |
testid | string | No | - | Data-testid attribute for html tag |
class | css_class | No | - | Additional CSS classes for the html tag |
field_class | css_class | No | - | Additional classes for the <input> tag in case of floating label or Group |
placeholder | string | No | - | Text to be shown when no value given |
value | string | No | - | Value to be shown |
error | boolean | No | - | Some additional styling will be set to indicate field is iinvalid |
size | sm | md | lg | No | - | Site of the select |
disabled | boolean | No | - | If the item should be marked as disabled |
open_me | event | No | - | Dropdown opening action, only from context |
on_keyup | event | No | - | Actually - on_keyup event for the input, use it for filter options with new user input |
on_trigger | event | No | - | Event that fired when trigger is clicked |
is_open | boolean | No | - | If the open indicator is active or not |
attrs | any | No | %{} | Keyword | Map of additional attributes for the input |
on_focus | event | No | - | - |
on_blur | event | No | - | - |
default | slot | No | - | Some buttons and icons over the input |